Friday, December 17, 2010

Advent, and Idea is Born Anew.

Truth of Islamic Law being pushed into Europe. A must watch film!

I first was introduced to Advent while serving in the occupational forces in Germany among the Lutherans.
Speaking of Advent How many of us just accept it because the Church tells us to obey what it says as the truth. After all the Church is not in the business of spreading fables and one should dare not question under fear of great penalties administered by God and the Rulers He has appointed.
Still he wants us to learn saying the truth will make us free and what better place to learn than the start of His coming where He will walk this Earth as one of us. 
We know He as His Father walked the Earth and even dropped in for lunch with Abraham if we have fully read the Old Testament, Hebrew Torah. But this time should be different He will have been formed for nine months in the womb of a very young Jewish Virgin at the time of her very first egg exposed all according to the learned Marianist Fathers.

Now thinking about Advent, I looked it up in the Random House Dictionary on line.

Second Coming. Unabridged. Random House, Inc. Coming (accessed: December 17, 2010).Origin 1835-45 AD.

Next I checked what our Catholic Church taught today. They seem to claim it has been there since God spoke to Abraham because they insist the Torah speaks solely of the coming of Jesus the King of the Jews. Of coarse the Jews deny that claiming it is their Book and says no such thing.

Then I looked into my notes for the book I'm anticipating to write called "Birth of Religion" all the way back Thousands of years before the Hebrew tribes existed. The Druids believed that mistletoe would make barren animals fertile and would act as a remedy against any kind of poison. Some scholars believe that the practice of kissing under mistletoe originated with the Druid notion that mistletoe helped to “bring forth” life through the union of male and female.
Then I moved more forward to our time before the Mid Eastern religions was forced upon the Gentiles by the Emperor of Rome, Constantine in the 4th Century CE and found this:
In Norse mythology, mistletoe played a significant role in the story of Balder, the god of light. After Balder became troubled by dreams that he would die, his mother extracted an oath from all the creatures and things on earth not to harm her son. Unfortunately, she overlooked one thing, mistletoe, because she thought it was harmless. Learning of this oversight, a mischievous and jealous god named Loki persuaded another one of the gods to hurl mistletoe at Balder, who died of the wound. The beloved Balder’s death was mourned throughout the world.

This story inspired a curious practice among the Nordic people in which a mistletoe wreath would become a symbol of protecting life. Basically, when enemies met under mistletoe, they were obligated to drop their weapons and embrace. Perhaps in honor of Balder, the Nordic people would hesitate to needlessly harm one another. Surely, Balder’s death was pointless and resulted only in sorrow. An embrace would further emphasize the commitment of good will between enemies in the presence of mistletoe. This ancient tradition may be another source for the modern custom of kissing when men and women meet under mistletoe.

The plant also plays a part in Greco-Roman Mythology. In the epic poem Aeneid, the hero Aeneas desires to seek counsel from his deceased father in the land of the dead. (Land of the dead from Egyptian Mythology.) A prophetess advises Aeneas that he must seek a “wreath woven from a golden bough (branch)” in order to return safely from the land of the dead copied from Egyptian Sun Gods, Pharaohs.

And here read below, perhaps, it is coming via Judaism into our Christianity:

Most scholars believe (since mistletoe can have a golden-like appearance in sunlight) that the “golden bough” is mistletoe on the branch of a pine tree where it loves to attach and live as a parasite, even though it can live on its own. Interestingly, since the Middle Ages, Virgil’s writing (the author of Aeneid) has come to be viewed as symbolic and even prophetic regarding many aspects of Christianity. Whether there is any merit to this claim or not, the image of a golden branch certainly calls to mind the many Old Testament references to Messiah as the “Branch.” Since the purpose of Virgil’s golden branch was to save Aeneas from the land of the dead, the reflection of Jesus is further emphasized in the Christian mind.

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