I sense from descriptions in the
Hebrew Bible, that Yahweh,
the god of the ancient Hebrews
started in their oral
'Nomad Folklore' was a raging
male volcano god. Changed in
location to abide in a non volcano
called Mount Sinai.
Here are some examples
(But first it is not the Mount Sinai
that they claim today, which is not
a volcano, but could easily be
Mount Bedr, a volcano in
north-western Saudi Arabia).
The mountain that is currently
called Mount Sinai is not the one
described in the Bible.
When Moses took the Israelites
out of Egypt, each tribe was
gathered under its own
banner -- illustrated with an
image of a god.
A lion was depicted on the banner
of Judah, probably looking much
like the Egyptian Sphinx.
A serpent, named Nechushtan,
was depicted on the banner of the
tribe of Dan. Speaking of Dan
let us unravel the following
inconsistency in time.
In the 14th chapter of
Genesis, the writer gives an
account of Lot being taken
prisoner in a battle between the
four kings against five, and
carried off; and that when the
account of Lot being taken,
came to Abraham, he armed
all his household and marched
to rescue Lot from the captors,
and that he pursued them
unto Dan (ver. 14).
To show in what manner this
expression pursuing them unto Dan
applies to the case in question,
I will refer to two circumstances,
the one in America, the other
in France. The city now
called New York,in America,
was originally New Amsterdam;
and the town in France, lately
called Havre Marat, was before
called Havre de Grace.
NewAmsterdam was changed to
New York in the year 1664;
Havre de Grace to Havre Marat
in 1793. Should, therefore,
any writing be found,
though without date,
in which the name of New York
should be mentioned, it would be
certain evidence that such a
uniting could not have been
written before, but must have been
written after New Amsterdam
was changed to New York,
and consequently, not till after
the year 1664, or at least during
the course of that year. And, in
like manner, any dateless writing
with the name of Havre Marat would
be certain evidence that such a
writing must have been written after
Havre de Grace became Havre Marat,
and consequently not till after
the year 1793, or at least during
the course of that year.
I now come to the application of
those cases, and to show that
there was no such place as Dan,
till many years after the death of
Moses, and consequently,
that Moses could not be the writer
of the book of Genesis, where
this account of pursuing them
unto Dan is given. The place that
is called Dan in the Bible was
originally a town
of the Gentiles called Laish;
and when the tribe of Dan seized
upon this town, they changed its
name to Dan, in commemoration
of Dan, who was the father of that
tribe, and the great grandson of
To establish this in proof,
it is necessary to refer from Genesis,
to the 18th chapter of the book
called the Book of Judges. It is there
said (ver. 27) that they (the Danites)
came unto Laish to a people
that were quiet and secure,
and they smote them with the edge
of the sword
(the Bible is filled with murder),
and burned the city with
fire; and they built a city (ver. 28),
and dwelt therein, and they
called the name of the city Dan,
after the name of Dan, their
father, howbeit the name of the city
was Laish at the first.
This account of the Danites
taking possession of Laish and
changing it to Dan, is placed
in the Book of Judges immediately
after the death of Sampson.
The death of Sampson is said to have
happened 1120 years before Christ,
and that of Moses 1451
beforeChrist; and, therefore,
according to the historical
arrangement, the place was not
called Dan till 331 years after
the death of Moses.
Later, a bronze image of
Nechushtan was placed in
Solomon's temple -- and stayed
there until much later,
when King Hezekiah melted the
bronze from which the idol
was made. It is possible that
the tribes adopted these gods
during the hundreds of years
they spent in Egypt.
Or perhaps the tribes were
never part of the descendants
of Abraham that accepted Yahweh
during the covenant,
and only joined this loose
alliance of tribes later.
Possibly, the covenant
never happened and was only
a later myth, added to the
cycle of origin stories
in the Bible. No one
really knows. But the images
on the banners were there,
showing the tribes' alliances
to other gods.
The tribe of the Levites,
with whom Moses was associated,
was another matter altogether.
They worshiped a thundering,
fierce god, whose location
was either Mount Horeb,
or Mount Sinai.
Very likely the two mountains
are one and the same --
there is no proof either way.
Was this god the same Yahweh,
the God of Abraham?
Very possibly. If not,
the two entities,
Yahweh of Abraham and
the warrior god of the
Levites were combined into
one impressive entity that
Moses, very likely a full-blooded
Levite himself, had adopted
as his own God. That is proven
by the fact that later,
only the Levites acted as priests
to Yahweh in the various Temples.
One of the main power of the 1%
has been imposing Hearsay Religion
of different slants dividing even
more-so us 99%. Did you know
that when Moses was written to
have come down from
speaking face to face with the
Hebrew God, who lived on top of a
volcano originally and not Mount Sinai,
Moses was depicted to
have grown horns because
the almighty Sun had just left
the great year of the Bull
and entered the Celestial
Zodiac Calendar of the Ram..
You shall be aware of this
and much more reading
all about these subjects in
Thomas Paine's Informative Book
"The Age of Reason".
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